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June 28th | World News_国际资讯(英文版)_行业资讯_国际无人系统网

June 28th | World News

   2022-06-28 Verlyn318
核心提示:SkyDrop Pizza Delivery; Jetson eVTOL commute; Drones for Virginia's Port Security and Protection

SkyDrop, Domino’s gear up to launch commercial drone delivery trial in New Zealand


SkyDrop announced that production of the drone fleet for the commercial drone delivery trial with Domino’s is now complete.


SkyDrop (formerly known as Flirtey) and Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Limited (Domino’s), signed an agreement earlier this year to launch the second phase of commercial drone deliveries in New Zealand. This commercial trial with Domino’s is scheduled to launch in New Zealand in the coming months.


SkyDrop is a full-stack solutions provider of hardware, software and patents for autonomous last-mile drone delivery. SkyDrop values safety and has manufactured the drone delivery aircraft to meet SkyDrop’s robust quality assurance standards and regulatory requirements. SkyDrop’s operational system consists of two aircraft, one ground infrastructure platform, and one autonomous control station that enables a seamless and frictionless workflow at the store location and scalable store-to-door drone delivery operations.

SkyDrop为最后一英里自动化无人机送货服务提供全方位解决方案,包括硬件、软件和专利。 SkyDrop重视安全性,并且生产制造送货无人机以达到其质保标准和规范需求。 SkyDrop的操作系统包括两个飞行器,一个地面基础设施平台和一个自动化控制站,以保证店铺无缝无摩擦的工作流程以及规模化送货上门服务。


The benefit of introducing drones as a delivery method alongside cars, electric scooters and bikes is that customers can enjoy the convenience of having Hot & Fresh pizzas delivered with Zero Contact to their homes by electrically powered drones, which also reduces traffic congestion and greenhouse emissions.


Jetson ONE completes ‘first-ever eVTOL commute’

Jetson ONE完成首架eVTOL通勤车辆

Jetson One.png

On May 21, after months of rigorous testing, the Jetson team has completed its “first-ever eVTOL commute” with its single-seater eVTOL aircraft. Jetson co-founder Tomasz Patan piloted the Jetson ONE eVTOL as the Jetson team waited for the aircraft’s arrival at the Santa Maria a Monte facility in Tuscany. The eVTOL commute reduced trip time as compared to a car by an impressive 88%.

5月21日,经过几个月的严格测试,Jetson团队完成其首架eVTOL通勤车辆,是一个单人座eVTOL飞行器。 Jetson的合伙创始人Tomasz Patan 对Jetson ONE eVTOL进行了试点,当时Jetson团队还在等着航行器送达位于托斯卡纳区的圣玛利亚蒙地的基地。eVTOL通勤车辆与一辆汽车相比时间缩短了88%。

Jetson described the flight as a breakthrough for the emerging eVTOL sector and for its own rapidly growing company.The latest Jetson ONE version was unveiled by HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco on Thursday June 9, 2022. The ceremony marked the first time Jetson ONE was seen in public since it entered the market in late October 2021.

Jetson将该次飞行作为新兴eVTOL行业和其自身快速发展的公司的一大突破。最新的Jetson ONE版本是由摩纳哥亲王阿尔贝二世于2022年6月9日公布。此次仪式标志着Jetson ONE在2021年10月末进入市场以来首度公之于众。

“Our long-term goal is to democratize flight. We firmly believe the ‘eVTOL’ is the future for mass transportation. We are committed to making this a reality,” said Tomasz Patan, co-founder and CTO of Jetson.

Jetson合伙创始人兼首席技术执行官Tomasz Patan说道,“我们的长期目标是将eVTOL大众化。我们坚信它是公共交通的未来。我们致力于把它变为现实。”


The Jetson ONE is constructed of a race-car inspired lightweight aluminum space frame and a carbon-Kevlar composite body. It is powered by eight electric motors, has a flight time of 20 minutes, and reaches a top speed of 63 miles per hour (102 kilometers per hour). The aircraft is powered by a high discharge lithium-ion battery and can carry a pilot’s weight of 210 pounds (100kg).

Jetson ONE由受赛车启发的轻质铝制空间框架和碳纤维凯夫拉尔复合材料车身构成。它由八个电子发动机驱动,航行时间20分钟,速度最高可达63英里/小时(102千米/小时))。其航空器由一个高电流铝电池驱动,飞行员可承重量为210磅(100千克)。

“The Jetson ONE is incredibly fun to fly. Most importantly, the flight stabilization system we developed makes flight super easy. We can make anyone a pilot in less than five minutes,” said Peter Ternstrom, co-founder and president.

合伙创始人兼总裁Peter Ternstrom说道,“飞行Jetson ONE绝对有趣。更重要的是其飞行稳定系统使得飞行变得十分简单。我们可以让任何一个人在5分钟内变成飞行员。”

Virginia Wants to Use Drones to Increase Security and Protection at Maritime Ports



The Virginia Institute for Space Flight & Autonomy (VISA) and the Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation (VIPC) have selected ANRA Technologies and Alliance Solutions Group for their innovative proposal to the Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for Port Security and Emergency Response Unmanned Systems (UxS) Demonstration Project.

弗吉尼亚太空飞行与自治研究生(VISA)和弗吉尼亚创新合作公司(VIPC)已选择 ANRA 技术和联盟解决方案集团为其港口安全和紧急响应无人系统 (UxS) 示范项目作机会公告 (AO) 的创新提案。

Together with Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology (CIT), VISA began its search for UxS solutions after launching a program to focus on the continued development and expansion of unmanned UxS technologies during the Unmanned Systems UxS Industry Engagement Summit 2021.

VISA在2021无人系统UxS行业参与峰会上开启无人系统技术的技术发展和扩张项目之后, 与弗吉尼亚创新技术中心(CIT)一同探寻无人系统解决方案。

 "These AO projects are the next step in providing opportunities to demonstrate system applications of UxS platforms, sensors, and data/information management that could solve challenging problems the public safety and emergency response communities face daily."said Tracy Tynan, Director of the Virginia Unmanned Systems Center (VUSC) at VIPC.

位于VIPC的弗吉尼亚无人系统中心(VUSC)负责人Tracy Tynan说,“这些机会公告为我们提供了展示UxS平台、传感器和数据/信息管理系统应用的机会,解决社区日常面临的一些在公共安全和紧急响应方面上具有挑战性的问题。”

As the nexus for Virginia's activity in UxS (Land, Air, Sea, and Space), VUSC serves as a unified voice and central source for information and assistance related to the unmanned systems landscape in Virginia.


"The companies selected for this project have offered UxS technology and applications that will heighten security and protection at the Port of Virginia, which is a leading gateway for global trade on the East Coast, and the surrounding area in Hampton Roads," said David Bowles, Executive Director of VISA. "These UxS systems will support first responders with mission-critical solutions for reacting more quickly and effectively to life-threatening situations that are often already difficult due to the region's challenging coastal terrain and severe weather."

VISA总裁David Bowles表示,“参与该项目的公司都提供了UxS技术和应用以提供弗吉尼亚港口的治安和防护,弗吉尼亚港是西海岸及汉普顿港群周边区域进行国际交易的主要口。”这些UxS系统为急救人员提供关键任务解决方案,从而在面临有生命威胁的境况时能更快速更有效地采取措施应对,通常这些境况本身就十分困难,因为当地极具挑战性的海岸地形和恶劣天气。

Designed to connect all UxS for Port Security and Emergency Response missions, ANRA's SAFEport will enable manual or autonomous operations through a mobile device. It will transmit live video (RGB, IR) or serial data throughout the network and integrate locations for every UxS and crewed aircraft to develop a 4D (time/space) COP distributed to authorized users. based on ANRA's UAS Traffic Management, SAFEport will provide the foundation for broader port-wide applications, adapting to new technology and evolving regulations to ensure longevity, viability, and scalability. ANRA will also work with TRIAD Drones, which will provide all operators and hardware, and non-profit AIRT, who will support advocacy and workshop activities.

ANRA 的 SAFEport 旨在连接所有用于港口安全和紧急响应任务的 UxS,将通过移动设备实现手动或自主操作。 它将在整个网络中传输实时视频(RGB、IR)或串行数据,并整合每架 UxS 和载人飞机的位置,以开发分发给授权用户的 4D(时间/空间)COP。 基于 ANRA 的 UAS 流量管理,SAFEport 将为更广泛的港口应用提供基础,适应新技术和不断发展的法规,以确保使用寿命、可行性和可扩展性。 ANRA 还将与 TRIAD Drones以及非营利性 AIRT组织合作,由TRIAD Drones提供所有运营商和硬件,AIRT支持宣传和举办研讨会活动。

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