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August 26th Wrold News_国内资讯_行业资讯_国际无人系统网

August 26th Wrold News

   2022-08-26 IUVS长安18
核心提示:欧洲首次:第一批测试无人机运送人体组织的医院包括医院网安特卫普和GZA。无人机从位于米德海姆的ZNA运送至圣奥古丁斯的GZA。A E

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A European first: Hospital Network Antwerp and GZA Hospitals were the first hospitals to test the transport of human tissue by drone. The drone flew from ZNA Middelheim to GZA Hospitals campus Sint-Augustinus. 


Transport by drone would be much faster, more reliable, more environmentally friendly and cheaper than transport by road. This test flight opens the way to a wider medical use of drones. The flight was carried out under the responsibility of drone airline Helicus. 


No traffic jams 

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ZNA负责人Elsvan Doesburg表示,“比起其他领域,为医院及时地运送物资是至关重要的。在空中不会出现交通堵塞也就保障了稳定的飞行时长。在交通通畅的情况下,”把ZNA的样本从Jan Palfijin运输到位于Middelheim的中心实验室,路程13公里开车需要花费21分钟。大部分时间花在了安特卫普圈,是交通堵塞敏感路段,大大地延长了通勤时长。而无人机,相反只需要十分钟。”van Doesburg强调医院宣布在6月底进行兼并,想要创新运输方式,使病人受益。

"Even more than in other sectors, timely deliveries for a hospital are of vital importance," says Els van Doesburg, chairman of Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen. "The absence of traffic jams in the air ensures a reliable flight duration. In smooth traffic, a sample of ZNA Jan Palfijn takes 21 minutes by car over the 13 kilometers to the central lab in ZNA Middelheim.A large part of it is about the traffic jam-sensitive Antwerp Ring, which can greatly increase the duration of the transport. A drone, on the other hand, always takes 10 minutes." van Doesburg emphasizes that the flight shows that the hospitals, which announced that they would merge at the end of June, want to innovate for the benefit of patients. 

GZA董事长Willeke Dijkhoffz说道,“今日,我们运用无人机试运人体组织,但是诸如其他样本,血液和药物,我们还有很多可能性可以发展。我们时刻准备着,亟待2023年新航空法规生效。此外,无人机促使交通脱离道路,也就是说我们的城市生活质量在提升。”

"Today we are testing the transport of tissue, but with other samples, blood and medication there are many more possibilities," adds Willeke Dijkhoffz, CEO GZA Hospitals. "We want to be ready when the new aviation legislation comes into effect in 2023. In addition, drones take a bit of traffic off the road, which means that we contribute to the quality of life in the city." 


1200 urgent tissue samples per year

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ZNA和GZA医院病理解剖实验室每年解剖7万个样本。其中包括1200个冷冻密封的人体组织样本需要在手术中进行采样,并快速切除。解剖地点包括位于米德海姆的ZNA、ZNA Jan Palfijin的活动中心、圣奥古丁斯和GZA医院圣文森提乌斯区。样本通过的士运输。

The lab for pathological anatomy of ZNA and GZA Hospitals analyzes nearly 70,000 samples annually. It contains 1,200 freezer compartments of tissue samples that were taken during surgery and need to be analyzed quickly. This analysis takes place in the central lab in ZNA Middelheim and in the activity centres in ZNA Jan Palfijn and the Sint-Augustinus and Sint-Vincentius campuses of GZA Hospitals. Today these samples go by taxi. 


Legislation follows

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It was the first time in the European Union that human tissue was transported by drone over inhabited areas. In doing so, the drone flew out of the pilot's field of vision and under a formal operational authorization according to EU law. This means that the person who controls the drone does not see the device himself. The central Command and Control Centre of Helicus in the city centre of Antwerp closely followed the flight of the drone. 


For the first time, human tissue was transported over an urban area, outside the pilot's field of vision. Test flights such as these are intended to further develop the procedural side and share experiences with the European authorities that are currently preparing the next set of legislation. The additional legislation will enter into force in 2023. 

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