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   2022-12-21 IUVS长安50
核心提示:Joby完成了FAA系统审查的前半部分Joby Completes First Half of FAA System ReviewseVTOL运动先驱者之一Joby航空,宣布了其FAA电

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Joby Completes First Half of FAA System Reviews 

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Joby Aviation, one of the forerunners of the eVTOL movement, has now announced another milestone in its journey to fully certify its electric eVTOL aircraft with the FAA. 


As Joby moves forward with Type Certification, it has continually worked closely with the FAA. Part of this process involves several full-system audits of Joby’s aircraft, which take place in-person over several days. Earlier this month, Joby completed the second out of four of these system audits at their test site in Marina, CA. These reviews are conducted to validate the overall architecture of the aircraft and ensure the OEM’s development is on track to meet the FAA’s safety objectives.

Joby飞行器原始设备制造商负责人Didier Papadopoulos表示,“认证的进展是这一新兴行业关注的关键领域。我们很高兴通过我们第二系统成功审查来保持我们的领导地位。我们非常自信我们的飞行器设计是符合FAA在系统层面安全性、冗余性和整体飞行器架构方面的预期。”

Said Didier Papadopoulos, head of Aircraft OEM at Joby, “Progress on certification is a key area of focus for this nascent sector, and we’re pleased to mark our continued leadership with the successful completion of our second system review. We’re confident that our aircraft design is on track to meet the FAA’s expectations regarding system-level safety, redundancy, and overall aircraft architecture.” 


Notably, Joby also recently worked with the FAA to determine the full Airworthiness criteria for its eVTOL. The criteria developed for Joby will also likely set standards for other upcoming eVTOLs, as Joby is on track to be the first to be certified in the United States.

在2020年年末,Joby从隐身模式脱颖而出,获得数亿美元的投资,包括丰田的支持。随着这些发布,它同时宣布了军事适航认证,以及与NASA和美国空军的Agility prime合作,将飞机投入商业和政府服务。

In late 2020, Joby emerged from stealth mode with hundreds of millions of dollars in investments, including major backing from Toyota. With these release, it simultaneously announced Military airworthiness certification, along with collaborations with NASA and the USAF’s Agility prime to bring the aircraft into commercial and government service.



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Drone delivery from Walmart comes to Richardson 

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Some Walmart shoppers in Richardson have a new way to get their goods.


The Arkansas-based retailer has teamed up with technology company DroneUp to make aerial drone deliveries in parts of Richardson and other North Texas cities. 

美国沃尔玛创新自动化副主席Vik Gopalakrishnan在一份声明中表示,“无人机送货使我们的客户可以轻松地购买那些急用或者忘记买的商品,并通过一个包裹运输到家,这真的是一件很酷的事情。位居沃尔玛创新前沿是我们的自豪之处。”

“Drone delivery makes it possible for our customers to shop those last-minute or forgotten items with ease in a package that’s frankly really cool. Being on the forefront of that innovation at Walmart is something we’re proud of,” said Vik Gopalakrishnan, vice president of innovation and automation at Walmart U.S., in a statement. 


The drones are operated by certified pilots who decide the safest location to deliver an order, which is done by lowering a cable. According to Walmart, the drones can handle items up to 10 pounds and come with a $3.99 delivery fee. However, that fee can be waived for first-time users with the promo code "FreeDeliveryTX." 


“It may seem like a futuristic option, but it’s giving our customers what they’ve always wanted, and that’s time back to focus on what is most important to them,” Gopalakrishnan said in the statement. 

理查森商店是达拉斯- 沃斯堡地区增加DroneUp服务的其他10家商店之一,地点包括加兰、墨菲、梅斯基特、普莱诺、达拉斯、罗利特和殖民地。

The Richardson store is one of 10 other stores across the Dallas-Fort Worth area to add the DroneUp services, including locations in Garland, Murphy, Mesquite, Plano, Dallas, Rowlett and The colony. 

总部位于弗吉尼亚州的DroneUp宣布其五月份进军当地市场的计划,并随后扩展至六个州-亚利桑那州、阿肯色州、佛罗里达州、德克萨斯州、犹他州和弗吉尼亚州,覆盖 400 万客户。该公司与Flytrex和Wing等其他公司一起在北德克萨斯州进行无人机配送。

Virginia-based DroneUp announced plans to enter the local market in May as part of an effort to expand across six states—Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Texas, Utah and Virginia—and reach 4 million customers. The company joins other companies such as Flytrex and Wing in making drone deliveries in North Texas. 

DroneUp执行董事Tom Walker在一份声明中表示,“我们的方法独一无二,我们以安全至上为宗旨,引用前沿的技术。我们与美国联邦航空管理局强大的关系对于我们的成功来说十分关键,因为我们建造了一套基础设施以支撑操作者当下和未来的发展和伟大的职业计划。”

“Our approach is unique; we practice safety above all else and incorporate state-of-the-art technology,” DroneUp CEO Tom Walker said in a statement. “Our strong relationship with the [Federal Aviation Administration] has also been critical to our success as we build an infrastructure that supports growth and great career programs for operators now and in the future.” 



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